Law Preview reviews

Our alums explain how Law Preview has helped thousands of incoming 1Ls become top law students

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Since 1998, BARBRI Law Preview has been helping students find success in law schools across the country. Consistently, they attribute their law school success to Law Preview and the important difference it made for them during their first year and beyond.

"Law Preview provided an opportunity to get a helpful sneak peak of the substantive issues that were covered throughout the semester. The background information helped get me into the mindset of the topic areas in a way that I would not have gotten without the instruction. Additionally, I used the organizational strategies offered in the course to varying degrees throughout the semester. I particularly liked that the advice was still flexible enough that I could adapt it to my own method of working and studying."
Anonymous, American University, Washington College of Law, Class of 2022
"I am a part-time student and ranked #5 of 96 students. The tools Law Preview provided me with did help get me off the ground running. As I stood on top of my outlines throughout the semester, other students were just beginning their outlines the week before midterms, and then did not touch them again until review week while I was taking past exams. The emails throughout the semester were also very helpful, they certainly kept me focused! So far, Law Preview has been worth the money spent. Thanks!"
Anonymous, Thomas Jefferson School of Law, Class of 2013
"I went into my 1L year with my eyes wide open. I knew, like most students, that I needed to work really hard. However, I also knew how to read through a case book, how to prepare for class and how to pick out the most important stuff for my outline. I believe this helped me to use my study time effectively and this preparation paid big dividends. I ended up in the Top 5% of my 1L class and was invited onto the Houston Journal of International Law."
Jessie M., University of Houston Law Center, Class of 2022
"Great overview of the subject matter covered. Also instilled in me an internal clock/checklist so that I had a sense of where I needed to be–in terms of final exam preparation– during the course of the semester."
Anonymous, Notre Dame Law School, Class of 2012
"Law Preview gave me critical early exposure to law school concepts and exam strategies that gave me an edge in my first semester of law school."
Reagan L, University of Houston Law Center, Class of 2021
"As a student with a media arts background, I was apprehensive about starting law school. I tried to read some cases on my own and become familiar with the terms of art in the legal profession, but nothing could prepare me as well as Law Preview did! I completed some of the recommended additional readings, took the on demand course in the weeks before law school, and felt prepared to dive in with my case briefs and confidently answering questions in class. My first semester was abundantly challenging as it was; I would hate to think how difficult it would have been without the foundation I obtained during Law Preview."
Anonymous, Gonzaga University School of Law, Class of 2022
"Law Preview did introduce me to course material and case briefing. Clearly, I did a nice job on my exams and have a good GPA. I think following the Law Preview schedule certainly helped."
Matthew S., Washington University School of Law (St. Louis), Class of 2011
"I am 5th in my class right now. I just wanted to say thank you for that course. You are going to laugh but I think the biggest thing I took away from the course is that planner and the general concept of time management. Outlining early as part of that and taking 1L seriously in terms of hours put in. All of those things come down to time management though. It’s amazing how far even an idiot like myself can get with wise management of time and an intentional attitude. Anyway, thank you again!"
Ivan S., University of Miami School of Law, Class of 2022
"Law Preview gave me the confidence to know that hard work could pay off in law school. During the first semester, law students often hear the cliche, “Study smarter, not harder.” Unfortunately, nobody really tells us what that means. Law Preview gave an actual playbook to success. If a student follows Don’s schedule and stays consistent during their first semester, they will succeed. The first semester of law school will test your abilities as a student both mentally and emotionally. Therefore, gaining the knowledge and confidence to know what success in law school requires makes taking the class worth it."
John C., University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law, Class of 2022
"Law Preview got me ready to hit the ground running. Prior to taking Law Preview, I did not know how to do law school. In the course, I learned the methods I need to use everyday to be successful. I heard many people say they wasted time doing useless things first semester, thanks to Law Preview I avoided this."
Madison L., Arizona State University Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law, 2022
"Helped me understand what i was in for, what was expected of me, how to best outline and when to start in the semester so I got it done early. [3.68 GPA after first semester]."
Anonymous, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law Yeshiva University, Class of 2023
"I know that the skills Law Preview taught me made my first semester of law school successful and manageable. As you are well aware, law school is a unique and stressful environment, a mystery to those who have not experienced it. Law Preview demystified it for me. As a result, I knew how much time I should spend studying and when, what I should focus on, and how I should balance my classwork with other obligations. I did not have to waste precious hours acquiring this knowledge by trial and error. Additionally, Law Preview’s engaging professors introduced me to the substantive material I would encounter in my courses and made me excited about what I would learn in law school. Through its courses Law Preview gives incoming law students the tools they need to succeed in their first year and beyond."
Frances K., Mitchell Hamline School of Law (formerly William Mitchell College of Law), Class of 2013
"Law Preview did a great job in preparing me for what each course was going to entail. They gave me some insight into what contracts really was, what a tort is, and how legal writing would be part of the curriculum. Attending Law Preview so close to the start of classes also got me mentally prepared to go back to an academic setting and be ready for readings and classrooms again. The materials from the case brief skeleton to the online multiple-choice to the year-long calendar were impactful for maintaining a good pace, briefing cases with speed, and preparing for finals."
Tai K., University of Southern California School of Law, 2022
"They do not put out class rank for the first semester but I got two As and and A- in my substantive classes and a B+ in Legal Writing and Research. Going by last year’s numbers, my 3.9 GPA puts me in the top 15% or better. Law Preview gave me a method of preparing for class that allowed me to make the most of lectures from the start. The tips about making use of the table of contents and starting to outline early were the most useful in retrospect. During the final reading period, I was able to focus on old tests and adjusting my finished outline to be more useful in the test scenario. I’m incredibly happy with the results."
Anonymous, University of California, Hastings College of the Law, Class of 2012
"Law Preview helped give me the tools I needed to succeed the first semester with much less stress than most of my classmates. I knew so much about the processes and procedures of law school before going in which gave me confidence and peace. I didn’t have to spend valuable time learning how to brief or read cases. Admittedly, I didn’t end up following the reading or study schedule exactly and still did very well! [3.79 GPA after the first semester]."
Anonymous, Chicago-Kent College of Law—Illinois Institute of Technology, Class of 2024
"The study schedule set out was exactly what I needed, and something nobody else was doing. By finishing the reading early, I was able to better prepare my outlines well in advance of exams. Knowing how to brief on day one put me on the fast track to the top of my class. I am the recipient of the Highest Grade distinction in Law Skills, and received A, A, B+, B+."
Madelaine K., University of Richmond School of Law, Class of 2011
"I’m so glad I did the Law Preview course. I was coming into law school after years in the performance arts, and definitely felt out of my depth! This short course really helped me feel more prepared headed into 1L. It also helped me feel like I had a plan of action moving forward. Law school was definitely a very different experience compared to undergrad, and Law Preview provided support so that I knew how to make the most out of my first year right off the bat! [3.71 GPA after first semester]."
Anonymous, Georgetown University Law Center, Class of 2024
"I attended the Law Preview session in Austin. I was just writing to let you know how I did the first semester. I attend the University of Houston Law Center, and I received all A’s my first semester and am ranked #1 out of 266 students. Law Preview gave me the right mindset entering into law school, and I feel the class was a big part of my success. Not only did it help me succeed grades wise, but the class also gave me a sense of excitement to attend U of H, as there were 3 professors from the school who lectured at Law Preview, and I enjoyed all three!"
Shaun C., University of Houston Law Center, Class of 2013
"Law Preview really helped me prepare for my first year of law school. Going into NYU Law, I was a bit nervous; I had heard about how daunting the first year of law school could be and had no idea what I was getting myself into. Law Preview really exposed me to what to expect during my first year and how best to schedule my time, organize myself, and maintain a calm composure that really helped me not only succeed in my first year of law school but enjoy my time. I think that is perhaps the most important part — beyond succeeding in school — is learning how best to enjoy it. Having been introduced to and somewhat familiar with the first year curriculum and having experienced the amazing faculty that the Law Preview program offers, I really got to enjoy my first year in ways that my peers did not."
Alex, New York University School of Law, Class of 2012
"Law Preview gave me both an introduction and an overview of all my first year courses that proved a strong foundation for the success I achieved."
David P., Arizona State University Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law, Class of 2021
"Good overview of course topics, however Law Preview most importantly provided a great intro. to the homework and readings that you will face. It was friendly introduction to the Socratic method, and a great confidence boost going into the semester."
Jascha C., New York University School of Law, Class of 2012
"I felt as best prepared as I possibly could have been for my first year. I knew what I needed to do to be successful and feel proud of my performance and efforts. It was helpful starting law school with an idea of how to read cases and knowing I needed to outline my courses well before exams. My school does not have rankings, but I know I am towards the top of my class."
Anonymous, CCity University of New York (CUNY) School of Law, Class of 2013
"Law Preview prepared me to hit the ground running on Day 1 of law school and score in the top 10% of my class for the first semester. I am thankful that my school secured vouchers for 1L students, and I think every school should do the same."
Patrick R., American University, Washington College of Law, Class of 2023
"Helped prepare me in a way that I didn’t even know I needed. There’s no way to be 100% prepared for law school, but Barbri gets you as close as you can possible get."
Anonymous, Temple University School of Law, Class of 2022
"As I have just gotten back my last grade from my fall exams, I wanted to share with you my deep appreciation for Law Preview. I succeeded this past semester even more then I could have ever imagined: A+ in Torts, A in Crim, A+ on my Property midterm, A+ on my Civ Pro midterm, and an A on both my Legal Writing memos. I remember you mentioned in one of the sessions that we should reach out to you halfway through the year with success stories, so I wanted to do that and to say a HUGE thank you to you and to this awesome program you’ve put together! I can confidently say that I would not have been in this position without seeing the forest through Law Preview. It was such a helpful tool for me that I know put me several steps ahead of my classmates. So thank you so much, and I only hope to continue my success this upcoming semester as well!"
Tal E., Loyola Law School, Los Angeles, Class of 2022
"I didn’t really know what I was getting into during my summer before law school. I read blog posts about case briefs and torts class but everything seemed daunting. Law Preview was a significant reason why I was able to be in the top 1-15% of my class. I am extremely glad I enrolled and I would highly recommend it for incoming law students."
Anonymous, George Washington Univ. School of Law, Class of 2024
"Wow! That’s how Law Preview has effected my law school experience. Attending that intense week of Law Preview set me up for success. Not only did I have the opportunity to get a ‘preview’ of the classes and the type of environment that I would be entering into, I got to look at some of the hardest cases before the real thing even started. That might not seem like a lot, but reading Palsgraf through once simply isn’t enough. Through the first semester I’m ranked in the top 10% of my class. There’s room for improvement for sure, but I know that I wouldn’t have gotten this far without the help of Law Preview!"
Anonymous, Dickinson School of Law (formerly Pennsylvania State University, The Dickinson School of Law), Class of 2011
"Law Preview provided me with the proper guidance to navigate my first semester. I never fell behind in the readings, writing assignments, or outlining. The schedule that was provided ensured me built-in study time that had a great impact on my study habits and final exam studying."
Alejandra A., New England School of Law, Class of 2024
"Law Preview was tremendous in helping me shoot out of the gate strong. From the first day I walked on campus I had a plan and a purpose thanks to LP. In addition to the organizational and structural advantages I had thanks to the schedule and preparation materials, I left LP with a sense of confidence. Law Preview really helped be demystify the law, in breaking it down into something practical and manageable. I also believe that the long hours during the program set my expectations for the amount of time and effort I needed to be successful, which led to a smooth and natural transition into the real thing. I would recommend this program to anyone who is entering law school, especially in this market where grades are EVERYTHING. [Ranked 5 out of 339]."
Anonymous, St. Mary’s University School of Law, Class of 2012 (transferred to SMU Dedman School of Law)
"Law Preview totally changed the trajectory of my 1L year. I felt as if I was light years ahead of my peers from Day 1 because I already knew the basics, and I had even already read, briefed, and discussed many of the cases covered in my classes. The time management, organization, and strategy tips were invaluable and I firmly believe that my first year of law school would have been ten times harder had I not had the privilege of attending a Law Preview course. In the end, I earned a very strong 1L GPA and a coveted journal spot."
Burgandi S., University of Virginia School of Law, Class of 2022