Law Preview reviews

Our alums explain how Law Preview has helped thousands of incoming 1Ls become top law students

Our students thrive

Since 1998, BARBRI Law Preview has been helping students find success in law schools across the country. Consistently, they attribute their law school success to Law Preview and the important difference it made for them during their first year and beyond.

"I think Law Preview prepared me for what law school would look and feel like. The interactive mock classes with professors gave me a baseline foundation of terms and information, but the setting allowed me to ascertain what being in a law classroom would be like."
Lexi W., University of Michigan Law School, Class of 2022
"A year after completing the Law Preview program I am an articles-editor on my school’s Law Review, an extern with the enforcement branch of a federal agency, and sitting pretty with a GPA I’m too polite to share. I am confident that I wouldn’t have accomplished all of those things if it wasn’t for the instruction I received during my week of Law Preview."
Raimund S., American University, Washington College of Law, 2022
"Law Preview did a good job of hustling its students along the learning curve associated with the transition to the dense material that is law as well as the Socratic Method of teaching. This valuable experience allowed me to focus on the substantive issues in the course earlier than my counterparts."
Joseph L., Rutgers University School of Law, Class of 2013
"Law Preview on demand was a great choice for me as an evening law student working full time. I wasn’t able to take off for a week of in-person Law Preview, but I could fit On-Demand into my schedule. Law Preview helped me go into my first year of law school with confidence by teaching the basics of the core 1L subjects, case briefing, and what to expect from my professors. I even spoke with Don Macaulay over the phone and he helped me figure out how to structure my study schedule around work and other commitments for the first semester. All of this preparation helped me come out of my first semester with an A average. Overall, I couldn’t be happier that I decided on Law Preview!"
Samantha K., University of Maryland School of Law, Class of 2022
"Law Preview was a great way to get ahead of the curve and understand the basics before arriving for my first day of classes. It was especially helpful in understanding how to prepare for class and participate in class discussions as to get the most out of class. I am very proud of the grades I achieved as a result of my hard work in Law Preview and throughout the fall semester. I would recommend Law Preview to all incoming 1Ls!"
Shelby H., University of California, Hastings College of Law, Class of 2024
"As a first-generation law student, I had no idea what to expect from law school. I knew about cold calling and I knew vaguely that classes would be competitive. However, I did not know what exams were like, what day-to-day classes and studying would look like, how I should structure my semester, what classes would be taught, or what mattered for my resume (i.e. Journal). Law Preview taught me everything I needed and more to feel comfortable starting law school and not like a fish out of water. Had I not taken Law Preview, I would have felt incredibly uncomfortable starting school, hearing others talk about briefing cases and outlines for classes and Law Review. It was all a foreign language to me, before. At the end of my 1L year I earned Dean’s List Honors and was invited to serve on the Law Review. The biggest asset you can have going into 1L year is confidence and a sense of comfort. Law Preview gave me exactly that."
Summer Z., Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law, Class of 2022
"I attended Law Preview at the University of Pennsylvania Law School last summer. At the end of my first year I am ranked 3rd in my class, a member of both the Law Review and Moot Court team, have a summer job for a federal judge, and a job this fall for my legal writing teacher as a student instructor. Law Preview did an excellent job of providing me with all the tools I needed to survive — and excel — in my first year. They helped provide a ground basis for all my core classes, taught me how to take a law school exam and most importantly helped me develop a study schedule that allowed me to study efficiently, without having to pull one all-nighter. I would highly recommend Law Preview to anyone because the information they provide cannot be found anywhere else and it will help prepare you so you can actually enjoy your first year of law school."
Anonymous, Cleveland State University, Cleveland Marshall College of Law, Class of 2012
"1L year is like flying a plane, blindfolded. Law Preview gives you much needed guidance to help you succeed. There is no magic wand to help you ace all your exams. But, Law Preview points you in the right direction, and if you put in the work, you’ll be happy with your results."
Anonymous, George Mason University School of Law, 2021
"Law Preview truly prepared me for my first semester of law school. Thanks to a mere six days spent in your classes this summer, I knew what to expect, how to brief, how to take efficient notes, and even what to expect out of exams. I am happy to report that I received the highest grade in my Contracts class and that although we do not receive rankings until the end of the year, I expect that I am currently in the top 3-5% based on grade distributions. I would recommend Law Preview to anyone who wants to obtain an edge during first semester!"
Katie W., Georgia State University College of Law, Class of 2011
"Law Preview gave me confidence and eliminated many of my pre-law school anxiety, exposed me to several cases we studied, and gave me an overview of subjects that allowed me to start with a big picture understanding. [Ranked 6 out of 223]."
Anonymous, Oklahoma City University School of Law, Class of 2012
"Law Preview prepared me for each step of the first year experience. I was never left in the dark about what I should be doing or what to expect. Most importantly it gave me confidence that I needed to succeed. I believe others lost valuable time doubting their abilities."
William F., Duquesne University School of Law, Class of 2011
"Law Preview was tremendous in helping me shoot out of the gate strong. From the first day I walked on campus I had a plan and a purpose thanks to LP. In addition to the organizational and structural advantages I had thanks to the schedule and preparation materials, I left LP with a sense of confidence. Law Preview really helped be demystify the law, in breaking it down into something practical and manageable. I also believe that the long hours during the program set my expectations for the amount of time and effort I needed to be successful, which led to a smooth and natural transition into the real thing. I would recommend this program to anyone who is entering law school, especially in this market where grades are EVERYTHING. [Ranked 5 out of 339]."
Anonymous, St. Mary’s University School of Law, Class of 2012 (transferred to SMU Dedman School of Law)
"Law Preview really helped put into perspective what the first semester of law school would be like. The substantive overview of each core first year class really prevented me from feeling lost or overwhelmed, the study calendar helped me know when and how to study, and the materials on exam writing are absolutely invaluable. Law Preview is the difference between drowning and succeeding your first semester."
Amelia D., University of California, Hastings College of the Law, Class of 2012
"Don, I just wanted to thank you for starting the Law Preview course. I truly feel confident going into my first year at Georgetown Law. The advice and encouragement you gave me has relieved much of the anxiety and mystique around the law school process. No matter how my grades turn out, I at least know that I am mentally ready for the challenge. The overview Law Preview provides is second to none and I can’t wait to give you an update in the years to come! Please feel free to give my name to any potential students of Law Preview. THANKS AGAIN!"
Jeb W., Georgetown University Law Center, Class of 2004
"Most importantly, Law Preview helped me understand what to expect. This, I think, is the most helpful part of Law Preview. As LP alums, we had a head start in having seen and heard terms that our classmates didn’t. We had the benefit of knowing not only what a case brief was, for example, but how to write one up."
Jonathan W., New York Law School, Class of 2011
"I honestly believe that without Law Preview, I would not have finished my 1L year in the Top 6% of my class. I was able to hit the ground running while most of my classmates were just trying to not be overwhelmed. The head start Law Preview provides allowed me to earn the highest grade in two classes and a spot on my school’s Law Review."
Caleb T., New England School of Law, Class of 2022
"Last summer I was fortunate to receive a Law Preview Scholarship. The experience was particularly useful to me as a first generation law student. The class introduced me not only to doctrinal material from the first-year curriculum but it also exposed me to the law school nuances no one had told me about, like the Socratic method, briefing cases, and accessing prior exams as study aids. The benefits of being a Law Preview alum are numerous. I am still in contact with some of the students I met during the class. I also have access to Barbri webinars, which provide information on useful skills for the first year of law school and beyond, and the Job Network, which grants access to many of the law firm partners BARBRI has."
Carla L., Harvard Law School, 2020
"I signed up for Law Preview hoping it would arm me with the tools to be at or slightly above median at Duke. Instead, I finished the year with a 3.89 (#1 in my class) and landed EARLY interviews with EVERY top firm I was interested in. It was a great feeling to be recruited in May after 1L, and to have my pick of firms. Law Preview armed me with tools that put me at a huge advantage coming out of the gates. In particular, Law Preview taught me how to study efficiently — I had time for Netflix, friends, and daily workouts throughout the year because Law Preview taught me how to avoid wasting time. I performed better than people who were smarter and worked harder, and I stayed happy and fit throughout the year. I’m so grateful I signed up for the course, it was definitely a fantastic investment. Now that I am one year into practice at a top tier BigLaw firm, Don continues to be someone I can call on for advice and guidance. Thank you, thank you."
Tanya S. Duke University School of Law, Class of 2019
"Law Preview helped prepare me for what was a vastly different workload from undergraduate studies. During my week at Law Preview, I made the mistakes I would have made during my first semester. I was better prepared for the difficult questions, study aides, and workload than my classmates. I found myself comfortable with the law school rhythm, I knew how to make outlines before many of my classmates realized how crucial they would be. Because I was comfortable with the grading system, the class structure, the importance of my first semester grades, I focused immediately on my classes without fear, hesitation or trepidation. Law Preview is not the answer to an ‘A’ in a particular class, but a set of tools which teach students what law school (grades, competition, workload, exams, stress, Socratic Method, etc.) is like. Throughout the semester, I knew what was expected of me and what I could expect to experience in the traditional classes, on the exam, and in the legal research & writing course."
Anastacia G., Dickinson School of Law, (formerly Pennsylvania State University, The Dickinson School of Law), Class of 2013
"I’m not sure what my rank is. My school only ranks 1Ls at the end of the academic year. My grades after first semester were: A in Contracts, A in Crim Law and A- in Torts. The top 10% gets A’s and the next 15% get A-‘s. . . . I am very happy that I attended Law Preview for the following reasons: practice reading and briefing cases; having some briefs already written at the beginning of law school; knowing what some of the seminal cases are about in each subject area; getting it beaten into my head that I need to actually brief all the cases (which I did); doing the reading two days ahead so I never got behind, even if something came up; learning about reporter names, how to tell where a case is from, research strategies; having the confidence at the beginning of the semester that I knew what I was doing . . . Being in Law Preview was really exciting because it confirmed for me that I find the law interesting and that law school was the right decision for me. Also, having confidence at the beginning of the semester is a huge advantage. Even if by the end of the semester it seemed like everyone else was comfortable with the material, etc., I still think I benefited by being calmer/more confident right from the beginning."
Anonymous, Case Western Reserve University School of Law, Class of 2011
"Law Preview really helped to acclimatize me to law school and put me on the right track to performing very well on my first-semester law school exams. [4.0 GPA after the first semester]"
Anonymous, New York University School of Law, Class of 2024
"After a very successful 1L year at South Texas—thanks to the assistance of Law Preview—I am happy to be continuing my legal education at Texas Law. On top of that, I received multiple 2022 Summer Associate offers and am so excited to be joining Kirkland at their new Austin office! I am beyond thankful for you and your program’s assistance. I could not have achieved this without you!"
Hayden S., South Texas College of Law, Class of 2023 (transferred to Univ. of Texas Law School)
"Law Preview provided me with the valuable insight to the demands of the first semester of law school. Also, one of the cases covered during the program turned out to be the same one I got called on to address during my day on the ‘hot seat.’ Because of my previous exposure, I was able to make it through the questioning and pressure of being called on to discuss a case with the professor. I would strongly recommend the program to anyone entering into their first year of law school!"
Anonymous, John Marshall Law School – Atlanta, Class of 2012
"As a student with a media arts background, I was apprehensive about starting law school. I tried to read some cases on my own and become familiar with the terms of art in the legal profession, but nothing could prepare me as well as Law Preview did! I completed some of the recommended additional readings, took the on demand course in the weeks before law school, and felt prepared to dive in with my case briefs and confidently answering questions in class. My first semester was abundantly challenging as it was; I would hate to think how difficult it would have been without the foundation I obtained during Law Preview."
Anonymous, Gonzaga University School of Law, Class of 2022
"Law Preview gave me critical early exposure to law school concepts and exam strategies that gave me an edge in my first semester of law school."
Reagan L, University of Houston Law Center, Class of 2021
"Great experience with Law Preview. Support material (online videos) after the course and continual study tips helped reinforce the material taught in the classroom. Highly recommend. Felt prepared for class discussions and received A-s in the two courses that were introduced in-depth at Law Preview."
Anonymous, University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law
"Since I just received my grades from the first semester yesterday, I do not know what I’m ranked yet, but I did get 3 As and 1 A-!! Law Preview definitely made a huge impression on my law school experience. The most important thing I took out of it was how much Don stressed to us that the 1st year matters the most. I always had that in the back of my mind at all times and that is what kept me going and striving to succeed. While everyone around me I felt complained about how hard it was and basically wanted to give up, I just kept remembering what Don said every day that once you get through the 1st year, the rest is easy! It also made me not want to settle for anything less than a 4.0 and so that’s what I worked toward and I’m extremely pleased that I have no regrets about the effort I put in because I did everything I could have possibly done. . . . I also benefitted from Law Preview in that it stressed the importance of taking note of the things professors said in class that other students would think were trivial because those actually can matter the most and always find their way on the exam. For example, my torts professor mentioned one small detail in class that a certain case (that we were required to look up on our own time) might be on the exam, and I was SO happy i took the time to do that because the facts and issue in that case were EXACTLY the same on the exam and worth 20 essay pts! I really liked all the professors that came and lectured at law preview as well. My favorite was Jody Kraus who taught us Contracts because although he was intimidating at first, that definitely prepared me for some of the professors I had last semester! (I also really appreciated Don telling us to make sure we were well-prepared for that lecture!) Whenever I was called on to recite in class I just kept thinking how Jody told us that even if you’re not sure what you’re talking about, SOUND confident, and that helped a lot. . . . I also really found the schedule Law Preview laid out for us very helpful because I think a lot of people go into law school not knowing what the average time commitment is and I just kept thinking 9 hrs a day and would try to aim for that! In the beginning of school, I was trying to do my homework for class the night before and then I realized that on the schedule we were given it said to do the assignments 2 nights in advance and that definitely was helpful!! Much less stressful that way. . . . More than anything, thank you Law Preview for being my motivation to strive for a 4.0 and constantly remind myself how important the first year grades are!"
Chirstina G., Thomas M. Cooley Law School, Class of 2012
"I was able to crush my first semester of law school having knowledge of cases already discussed during the course. I felt confident and established myself early on."
Anonymous, Howard University School of Law
"The techniques we learned were extremely helpful. During finals study time, everybody else was outlining; my outlines were finished as of the last class day so I was able to study and work on the hypos. I was even able to incorporate a ‘nugget’ section into my notes that came in very handy on the exams. Thanks for everything!"
Kate L., University of Denver College of Law, Class of 2013
"I thank Law Preview for setting me up for success! It gave me the perfect preview for what my schedule would be, in terms of reading, briefing, etc. for the semester and prepared me to my best! I went in knowing how to brief which was my greatest asset! I ranked number 7 out of my class of 271 with a 3.93 GPA and made Dean’s List. None of that would have been possible without my week of Law Preview!"
Anonymous, UIC John Marshall Law School, Chicago, 2022