Law Preview reviews

Our alums explain how Law Preview has helped thousands of incoming 1Ls become top law students

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Since 1998, BARBRI Law Preview has been helping students find success in law schools across the country. Consistently, they attribute their law school success to Law Preview and the important difference it made for them during their first year and beyond.

"Law Preview set the stage for my success at Columbia. I don’t have any lawyers in my family and none of my close friends went to law school, so I didn’t have any guidance before I started. Law Preview gave me practical advice that I could trust on the basics, like how to brief a case, what a supplementary companion is, and when to outline. I still use the templates and timelines provided for all of my law school classes. The course put me in the right mindset going into law school and provided me with the foundational knowledge on how to do well that I would not otherwise have had. [4.0 GPA after the first semester]."
Anonymous, Columbia Law School, Class of 2024
"Your class helped me feel prepared for my first semester. Thanks a million"
Emmet P., UIC, John Marshall Law School, Chicago, Class of 2013
"Since I just received my grades from the first semester yesterday, I do not know what I’m ranked yet, but I did get 3 As and 1 A-!! Law Preview definitely made a huge impression on my law school experience. The most important thing I took out of it was how much Don stressed to us that the 1st year matters the most. I always had that in the back of my mind at all times and that is what kept me going and striving to succeed. While everyone around me I felt complained about how hard it was and basically wanted to give up, I just kept remembering what Don said every day that once you get through the 1st year, the rest is easy! It also made me not want to settle for anything less than a 4.0 and so that’s what I worked toward and I’m extremely pleased that I have no regrets about the effort I put in because I did everything I could have possibly done. . . . I also benefitted from Law Preview in that it stressed the importance of taking note of the things professors said in class that other students would think were trivial because those actually can matter the most and always find their way on the exam. For example, my torts professor mentioned one small detail in class that a certain case (that we were required to look up on our own time) might be on the exam, and I was SO happy i took the time to do that because the facts and issue in that case were EXACTLY the same on the exam and worth 20 essay pts! I really liked all the professors that came and lectured at law preview as well. My favorite was Jody Kraus who taught us Contracts because although he was intimidating at first, that definitely prepared me for some of the professors I had last semester! (I also really appreciated Don telling us to make sure we were well-prepared for that lecture!) Whenever I was called on to recite in class I just kept thinking how Jody told us that even if you’re not sure what you’re talking about, SOUND confident, and that helped a lot. . . . I also really found the schedule Law Preview laid out for us very helpful because I think a lot of people go into law school not knowing what the average time commitment is and I just kept thinking 9 hrs a day and would try to aim for that! In the beginning of school, I was trying to do my homework for class the night before and then I realized that on the schedule we were given it said to do the assignments 2 nights in advance and that definitely was helpful!! Much less stressful that way. . . . More than anything, thank you Law Preview for being my motivation to strive for a 4.0 and constantly remind myself how important the first year grades are!"
Chirstina G., Thomas M. Cooley Law School, Class of 2012
"Law Preview gave me exactly what its name implies, a preview of what to expect at law school."
Charles W., Florida State University College of Law, Class of 2011
"It helped me learn how to approach and brief cases for their maximum educational value, while building confidence in my abilities to be a successful law student."
Erin F., Case Western Reserve University School of Law, Class of 2011
"After a personal crisis during the middle of finals, my grades still came back the way I wanted them to because Law Preview had me studying throughout the semester, so I already had the knowledge I needed, and the loss of some study time did not cripple me."
Anonymous, Dickinson School of Law , Class of 2022
"It was absolutely worth it – it got me used to the Socratic method expected out of first semester, and the exam prep provided an invaluable insight into what to expect."
Anonymous, Seton Hall University School of Law, Class of 2022
"Law Preview helped a lot. Wish I would have taken it even more seriously [3.77 GPA after the first semester]."
Anonymous, Washington University School of Law (St. Louis), Class of 2023
"I was able to begin law school with a basic familiarity of many topics and of the particular vernacular used in law school. Unfortunately for many of my classmates they were tossed into the deep end and told to swim."
Anonymous, University of Pennsylvania Law School, 2023
"The [Law Preview] program allowed me to start law school with a game plan. It helped me to set a weekly schedule, stay disciplined and gain a leg up on my fellow students. I had been out of school for a while before going back to law school, and the Law Preview helped me refresh old, and gain new study skills. We are not ranked after our first semester, but I ended with a 3.81 GPA."
Nicole G., University of Miami School of Law, Class of 2011
"Thanks to Law Preview, I started 1L year with an effective study schedule and knew how to prepare for class and final exams. In the end, it paid off and I finished in the top 5% of my class."
Megan S., University of Missouri Kansas City School of Law, Class of 2021
"Last summer I was fortunate to receive a Law Preview Scholarship. The experience was particularly useful to me as a first generation law student. The class introduced me not only to doctrinal material from the first-year curriculum but it also exposed me to the law school nuances no one had told me about, like the Socratic method, briefing cases, and accessing prior exams as study aids. The benefits of being a Law Preview alum are numerous. I am still in contact with some of the students I met during the class. I also have access to Barbri webinars, which provide information on useful skills for the first year of law school and beyond, and the Job Network, which grants access to many of the law firm partners BARBRI has."
Carla L., Harvard Law School, 2020
"Provided a honest assessment of the work required to succeed. Made it easier to acclimate to law school. Calendar helped provide structure. Learned how to read and brief quicker. Courses were more familiar and easier to understand."
Paul T., American University, Washington College of Law, Class of 2023
"I finished my first semester with a 3.74 GPA and near the top of my class, and I wholeheartedly believe that Law Preview provided the foundation which I continued to rely and build on over the entire semester. I highly recommend the course to anyone contemplating attending law school!"
Daniel B., University of Massachusetts School of Law Dartmouth, Class of 2022 (transferred to Boston College Law School)
"By the time I got into classes I already knew how to read an analyze cases. I also knew the basic concepts so I was able to get up to speed about the intricacies introduced in class much faster. Other people struggled with the more complicated concepts, but I had already gone over them once in Law Preview and the second time just helped my clarify my understanding. Learning to brief the cases before starting was helpful because I did not need to spend an inordinate amount of time on each case. I knew what I needed to extract from the cases and had a template in which to place the information. Law preview helps you hit the ground running in your first year."
Anonymous, University of California, Hastings College of the Law, Class of 2011
"Helped me understand what i was in for, what was expected of me, how to best outline and when to start in the semester so I got it done early. [3.68 GPA after first semester]."
Anonymous, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law Yeshiva University, Class of 2023
"Law Preview provided me with invaluable insight and helpful tools for tackling the rigors of 1L. The program gave me a level of confidence which allowed me to hit the ground running as I embarked on my law school experience. There is no doubt in my mind that Law Preview was instrumental in enabling me to finish my 1L year in the top 10% of my class and being invited to join the Law Review. Don, thank you for an outstanding course!"
Paul G., Boston College Law School, 2020
"Law Preview gave me the techniques that have allowed me to be successful my first year."
Anonymous, SMU Dedman School of Law, Class of 2021
"Law Preview made me much more prepared for law school. The specific subject lessons were nice, but it was the overall lessons about preparedness and what to expect that helped me to not be blindsided when I got here. I can definitely say that the program paid off because after my first year I am ranked #15 out of 500 students in my class."
Michael S., University of Miami School of Law, Class of 2012
"Law preview provided me with the right mindset to approach day one of law school. I had an attack plan and knew what pitfalls to avoid because of the Law Preview course! [4.05 GPA after first semester]."
Anonymous, University of California, Hastings College of the Law, Class of 2023
"While I do not know my class rank because UVa does not release such data, I do have a 3.73 (3 As and a B because I was sick and totally bombed 1 question)– at UVa only 10% of each class can have an A or A- so I am confident that I am in the top 10% of my class. Law preview taught me three important things that I largely credit my success to. First, to continue my pattern of hard and consistent work throughout the semester. I never missed a class or did not brief a case. I was always caught up (if not ahead) in the reading. By staying a little ahead, I was able to start studying during Thanksgiving Break, which brings me to my second Law Preview lesson: practice exams! I got in touch with students from other schools and also tapped UVa’s old exam database. I took at least 10 practice exams in each subject. This is a step that my friends did not do– or if they did look at practice exams, that was all the did (literally just LOOK at them!) — and their grades show that they failed to adequately prepare. Finally, Law Preview’s outlining strategy made getting ready for finals so easy because I had already been editing and digesting my notes throughout the whole semester. While I had excellent study habits coming into law school, Law Preview reminded me to keep them up and gave me the tools to start using my habits from day one, without having to wait to figure out the mundane details of law school."
Anonymous, University of Virginia School of Law, Class of 2012
"The program helped me understand the challenges that lay ahead. Specifically, it was good to learn how to brief a case… since I did not use this format in undergrad, it was nice to know ahead of time the importance of briefing cases. While my law school does not rank, ultimately, I was satisfied with my grades."
Anonymous, Boston College Law School, Class of 2011
"Law Preview prepared me to excel in my first semester. I have my undergraduate degree in nursing. Nursing school and law school are nothing alike. Had I not completed the Law Preview course I know I would have spent the first 8 to 10 weeks figuring out what was going on and trying to understand what the professors were talking about. Knowing in advance what a case brief was, how to complete one, how to immediately begin outlining each of my classes, and other basics of how material is presented in law school helped me tremendously. I felt much more confident in myself and my grades were definitely higher than what they would have been without Law Preview."
Natalia S., Mitchell Hamline School of Law, Class of 2022
"Law Preview was a great introductory class. I could feel the law school environment in advance and can be more prepared than others. The 1L mastery classes were super helpful during the semester as well. I used the video mainly for review purposes, and it really helped me understand the whole structure of each course and prepare my outlines. [3.75 GPA and Top 15% after the first semester]"
Anonymous, George Washington University Law School, Class of 2023
"Law preview gave a nice introduction to the rigors of law school. Students can ease their anxiety by gaining a clearer picture of what will be required of them on a daily basis."
Anonymous, University of Michigan Law School, Class of 2012
"Starting law school is a daunting task especially when they barrage you with enormous amount of new information. Law Preview was like CliffNotes for law school. It helped me to set my bearing and rest in the fact that unlike so many of my classmates, law school classes were not the first time I heard the new terms like promissory estoppel. Having a head start definitely put me at an advantage. I would definitely recommend it to any rising 1Ls."
Yon S., SMU Dedman School of Law, Class of 2011
"It made me more confident in the material and briefing in the beginning, and the review videos were a great review for the final. I definitely tried to work to the BARBRI time schedule as well to devote that many hours to school work."
Anonymous, Boston University School of Law, Class of 2024
"It drilled into me the fact that grades are the most important thing the first semester–otherwise, I would have been lured into all kinds of activities that were advertised by the school. I’m so glad I didn’t–truly, grades are the only things employers seem to care about when it comes to the first semester. I also appreciated Don Macaulay’s lectures–they were super entertaining and all the study skills he shared came in very handy to me. I have a young child, so I didn’t quite ever do 12 hours a day, but I probably did study 8-10 hours every day because Don scared me into believing I wouldn’t be successful without spending those kinds of hours. And he was right! [4.3 GPA after the first semester]."
Anonymous, Santa Clara University School of Law, Class of 2023
"I got the most from experiencing different professors and from thinking about how I might personally go about analyzing the law. Even though I don’t do everything the way that Law Preview recommended, it was good to have a sense of where to begin. It was a worthwhile investment, even though I go to a school with no grades or rankings."
Anonymous, Northeastern University School of Law, Class of 2013
"Law Preview equipped me to write case briefs, focus on the important things in lecture, start outlines early, and use test-taking strategies while following a schedule!"
Anonymous, University of California, Berkeley, School of Law, Class of 2023