Law Preview reviews

Our alums explain how Law Preview has helped thousands of incoming 1Ls become top law students

Our students thrive

Since 1998, BARBRI Law Preview has been helping students find success in law schools across the country. Consistently, they attribute their law school success to Law Preview and the important difference it made for them during their first year and beyond.

"I felt that it prepared me to know what was coming at me in the fall semester. I had a good understanding of the timelines and the dates that I needed to schedule for myself in order to be successful in my first semester."
Anonymous, University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law, Class of 2021
"Overall, Law Preview took away much of the anxiety other students typically experience in their first year. With an overview of the first year courses, there weren’t that many surprises. Law Preview also helped me develop a sensible schedule to tackle the heavy workload for the first year. Additionally, the portion of the course on taking law school exams was especially helpful. While I knew what to expect, and I could plan accordingly, many other students had no idea what a law school exam was like or how to prepare. I feel like Law Preview gave me an advantage, particularly in the first semester."
Jason E., Texas Tech University School of Law, Class of 2013
"The study schedule set out was exactly what I needed, and something nobody else was doing. By finishing the reading early, I was able to better prepare my outlines well in advance of exams. Knowing how to brief on day one put me on the fast track to the top of my class. I am the recipient of the Highest Grade distinction in Law Skills, and received A, A, B+, B+."
Madelaine K., University of Richmond School of Law, Class of 2011
"Law school is a lot about expectations. Many people enter law school thinking that this is undergrad part two, but it is much more than that. Law Preview helped me to understand the type of time and effort commitment that law school would require of me. My last semester in undergrad, I took one class on Monday nights and basically just hung out the rest of the time. Law Preview was a fantastic eye-opener to the reality that awaited me in law school and no doubt my success was greatly predicated on the preparation and advice Law Preview provided."
Conrad S., SMU Dedman School of Law, Class of 2013
"Law Preview gave me the confidence to know that hard work could pay off in law school. During the first semester, law students often hear the cliche, Study smarter, not harder. Unfortunately, nobody really tells us what that means. Law Preview gave an actual playbook to success. If a student follows Don’s schedule and stays consistent during their first semester, they will succeed. The first semester of law school will test your abilities as a student both mentally and emotionally. Therefore, gaining the knowledge and confidence to know what success in law school requires makes taking the class worth it."
John C., University of Southern California School of Law, 2022
"It certainly worked well for my GPA! [3.72 GPA after the first semester]"
Anonymous, American University, Washington College of Law, 2023
"Good overview of course topics, however Law Preview most importantly provided a great intro. to the homework and readings that you will face. It was friendly introduction to the Socratic method, and a great confidence boost going into the semester."
Jascha C., New York University School of Law, Class of 2012
"If it wasn’t for Law Preview my first semester would have been disastrous. It was a bear, but because of Law Preview, I was able to feel comfortable in the knowledge that I was prepared. And it worked! My first semester ended with a 3.80 GPA."
Ameena L., Mitchell-Hamline School of Law, Class of 2024
"Law Preview expels the mystery that lies behind the first-year of law school. The program effectively highlights what it takes to navigate your first-year with success and confidence. LP revealed to me that success in law school depends greatly on your approach. The tips and tools that I gleaned through my time in this program were invaluable in that they gave me a how to navigate the first-year of law school that many of my peers were not as fortunate to have. I firmly believe that anyone who utilizes the LP approach and puts in the time and effort will find themselves at the top of their class and perhaps most importantly, find the law school experience to be enjoyable and satisfying."
Matthew G., Thomas Jefferson School of Law, Class of 2013
"It gave me an advantage in preparing for the rigors of law school. Getting practice briefing cases and more importantly reading cases helped me pick out the pertinent rules and reasoning that we were tested on at the conclusion of our classes. . . . The school lists 5% increments for rank and I fell between the 15% and 20%, qualifying for the Dean’s list with a 3.5 GPA."
Anonymous, DePaul University College of Law, Class of 2012
"Don, I just wanted to thank you for starting the Law Preview course. I truly feel confident going into my first year at Georgetown Law. The advice and encouragement you gave me has relieved much of the anxiety and mystique around the law school process. No matter how my grades turn out, I at least know that I am mentally ready for the challenge. The overview Law Preview provides is second to none and I can’t wait to give you an update in the years to come! Please feel free to give my name to any potential students of Law Preview. THANKS AGAIN!"
Jeb W., Georgetown University Law Center, Class of 2004
"Law Preview provided me with the confidence and routine necessary to succeed my first semester of law school. Prior to the first day of class, I was able to have set in place a reading and study schedule that kept me on top of my assignments. This allowed me to ensure I was learning the material over time and not waiting until the end of the semester to see if I had retained it along the way. Now, I find myself in a great position while applying for summer employment and have received interviews from my top firms."
Reaghan W., University of North Carolina School of Law, Class of 2023
"Although class ranks haven’t posted yet, I was so happy with my Fall semester grades. I felt like Law Preview helped set a sturdy foundation before entering into these classes and I can’t imagine I would have done so well on exams without the practice over the summer. I recommend this course to EVERY incoming law student. You will set your self apart and feel more comfortable from day one."
Lindsay P., Syracuse University College of Law, Class of 2023
"Law Preview helped me understand the big picture of what I was studying in class. As a first-get student, it was challenging to understand the method in which law school content is taught and having Law Preview available was extremely helpful in helping me digest and understand the important concepts."
Marlenee B., University of California, Berkeley, School of Law, Class of 2023
"Law Preview definitely helped me in my first semester of 1L because before classes even started, I had a schedule set out to keep me on track and know when to read/brief for my classes and when to start outlining. Even though I was still very nervous, having my 1L checklist from BARBRI and the 12 steps to Academic Success handout kept me focused on my end goal to do well my first semester, which I did."
Anonymous, University of Maryland School of Law, Class of 2024
"Great experience with Law Preview. Support material (online videos) after the course and continual study tips helped reinforce the material taught in the classroom. Highly recommend. Felt prepared for class discussions and received A-s in the two courses that were introduced in-depth at Law Preview."
Anonymous, University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law
"Law Preview was completely responsible for my ability to hit the ground running fall semester of my 1L year. I knew how to brief a case, how to approach outlining, and what to expect from exams. Armed with my study calendar, I jumped into my first year nervous but prepared. I think my 4.28 GPA was significantly helped by attending Law Preview and utilizing the tools it gave me. Shout-out to Don Macaulay, an MVP mentor who provides pre- and post-Law Preview guidance throughout your 1L year and beyond."
Susan P., Pepperdine University School of Law, Class of 2023 (transferred to Harvard Law School)
"I wanted to follow up with you about a phone conversation we had a few months ago about my transfer options from Michigan State Law. I’ve been accepted at Tulane and William and Mary, and waitlisted at Georgetown–my final GPA from 1L was 3.8. I’m leaning toward William and Mary, and I wanted to thank you for the invaluable advice and confidence you gave me. I hardly anticipated the personal attention I received, but I am very grateful for it! Please feel free to include this as a testimonial in any of your company’s promotional materials: Law Preview rocks!"
Anonymous, Michigan State University Detroit College of Law, Class of 2013 (transferred to William & Mary Law School)
"Law Preview allowed me to get a head start during my first year of law school. It was extremely helpful during midterms and finals. All of the available study aids helped me get a better understanding of each course. [3.93 GPA after first semester]."
Anonymous, Touro College Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center, Class of 2020
"Law Preview provided me with invaluable insight and helpful tools for tackling the rigors of 1L. The program gave me a level of confidence which allowed me to hit the ground running as I embarked on my law school experience. There is no doubt in my mind that Law Preview was instrumental in enabling me to finish my 1L year in the top 10% of my class and being invited to join the Law Review. Don, thank you for an outstanding course!"
Paul G., Boston College Law School, 2020
"Law Preview helped me feel more confident beginning law school, making the transition much smoother [ranked #20 out of 200 after first semester]!"
Anonymous, University of Southern California Law School, Class of 2011
"I was better prepared for what to expect during my first semester of law school. Others were much more stressed; I knew what was important to focus my attention on, instead of getting caught up with all the minute details in every case. Finding old exams, outlines from upper-levels, and utilizing study aids when I needed them, helped me so much. With a 3 year old at home, the preparation and knowledge that Law Preview gave me was (and is) invaluable!! . . . Law Preview lowered my level of anxiety at the beginning of the school year. Many of my fellow students were stressed and overwhelmed right from the start. Law Preview gave me the tools I needed to balance school with my responsibilities as a mom. . . . I haven’t received my rank yet, but I do know that I made dean’s list! Thanks Law Preview!"
Elise L., University of Cincinnati College of Law, Class of 2011
"I am not ranked because I have yet to meet the credit hour threshold for being ranked (I am a part-time student). However, in 3 classes, I’ve managed to secure an A- in legal research and writing, an A- in civil procedure, and a B+ in contracts, amounting to a 3.556 GPA. The most important aspect I could say that I learned from Law Preview is how to brief and to ALWAYS brief your cases. . . . [T]he general discussions about law school (studying strategies, time management, success strategies, etc.) were invaluable."
Robert W., Charleston School of Law, Class of 2011
"Since I am the first in my family to graduate from college, I did not know how to prepare for law school. BARBRI Law Preview provided me with the tools to not only survive my first semester, but to also excel. I followed their recommendations and specifically their recommended calendar for allocating my time, which is something that I struggle with. This program is 100% worth it and I highly recommend it."
Anonymous, Loyola University Chicago School of Law, Class of 2021
"From the very first day of class I felt ahead of the learning curve as far as preparation and study habits goes. The tips from Law Preview were very helpful in establishing a good base for finals preparation and it really showed when exam period came around."
Louis S., Texas A&M University School of Law (formerly Texas Wesleyan University School of Law), Class of 2011
"It helped me feel more confident and prepared in starting that that feeling helped me stay a step ahead throughout. After Thanksgiving my peers were freaking out and I kept with my plan of slow and steady. I was really pleased with my performance the first semester. After first semester, I know a few things that I will be changing for the second semester. However, a large percentage of the successful skills I employed first semester, I learned at Law Preview."
Elizabeth P., University of Texas School of Law, Class of 2013
"Because law school was somewhat of a last minute decision for me at the end of college, I had no idea what to expect. Law Preview completely changed that. Not only did it give me a little taste of what to expect substantively in classes like Torts and Contracts, but more importantly it geared me towards a year of very hard work and dedication. I can easily say that if it were not for Law Preview I probably would have entered law school with a similar attitude as college, but after taking the week of classes with Law Preview I had a much better idea of how many hours I would have to work a week, what the workload would look like, and what my timeline and goals should look like for the first semester, not to mention how to brief a case. I actually ended up using the Law Preview case brief outline for the entire year (and will continue to use it for the next two years) and felt that I was always extremely prepared for class. Overall, I think it was a great program and I am really glad I participated in it. [Ranked #13 out of 484 students at the end of 1L year]."
Anonymous, New York Law School, Class of 2013
"I was very well prepared to brief and for exams. [3.77 GPA after first semester]"
Anonymous, University of Texas School of Law, Class of 2022
"Law Preview was very instrumental in enabling me to be successful in my first year of law school. Not only did the course help prepare me for the rigors of the 1L curriculum, but it gave me a level of confidence walking into my first law school class that many of my peers did not acquire until well into the semester. While nothing can completely prepare you for the amount of hard work that it will take to out perform many of the other success driven people that will be sitting next to you in your law school classes, Law Preview comes pretty close. I finished my first year of law school ranked #10 (Top 5%) in my class, and I just received an invitation to become a member of my school’s law review. There is no doubt in my mind that attending the Law Preview course was a significant factor in helping me to achieve these results. Law Preview’s exam taking strategies, success tactics, and course overviews were all invaluable aids to me throughout my 1L year."
Antonio A., Texas A&M University School of Law (formerly Texas Wesleyan University School of Law), Class of 2012
"I thank Law Preview for setting me up for success! It gave me the perfect preview for what my schedule would be, in terms of reading, briefing, etc. for the semester and prepared me to my best! I went in knowing how to brief which was my greatest asset! I ranked number 7 out of my class of 271 with a 3.93 GPA and made Dean’s List. None of that would have been possible without my week of Law Preview!"
Anonymous, UIC John Marshall Law School, Chicago, 2022