Law Preview reviews

Our alums explain how Law Preview has helped thousands of incoming 1Ls become top law students

Our students thrive

Since 1998, BARBRI Law Preview has been helping students find success in law schools across the country. Consistently, they attribute their law school success to Law Preview and the important difference it made for them during their first year and beyond.

"It certainly worked well for my GPA! [3.72 GPA after the first semester]"
Anonymous, American University, Washington College of Law, 2023
"I believe Law Preview gave me that path and plan to attack 1L Fall."
Patrick D., Emory University School of Law, Class of 2022
"I’m writing to thank you for the Law Preview course I took last summer. I was barely admitted into the school via wait list, and I had absolutely no studying skills before I attended Law Preview. Law Preview gave me an outstanding overview which helped me formed my study plans, so I knew exactly what to do, when to do them, and how to do them. What helped me the most was your lecture on the right attitude to go into law school with; I was able to maintain positive the entire semester even though at times it was frustrating and many things seemed to go wrong. Now I have an above 4.0 GPA: 2xA+,2xA, 1xA- after first semester, which puts me at about top 1-2%. Thanks again, couldn’t have done it without you."
Anonymous, South Texas College of Law Houston, Class of 2011
"Law Preview really helped put into perspective what the first semester of law school would be like. The substantive overview of each core first year class really prevented me from feeling lost or overwhelmed, the study calendar helped me know when and how to study, and the materials on exam writing are absolutely invaluable. Law Preview is the difference between drowning and succeeding your first semester."
Amelia D., University of California, Hastings College of the Law, Class of 2012
"I finished my first semester with a 3.74 GPA and near the top of my class, and I wholeheartedly believe that Law Preview provided the foundation which I continued to rely and build on over the entire semester. I highly recommend the course to anyone contemplating attending law school!"
Daniel B., University of Massachusetts School of Law Dartmouth, Class of 2022 (transferred to Boston College Law School)
"Law preview was definitely useful in that it stressed the rigors of the first semester to the point that I was prepared. By preparing me for what was to come, as well as setting out effective tips for study and work habits, I was able to to focus on the work itself by adopting what I had learned in Law Preview rather than waste time developing my own strategy. The schedule plan laid out by Law Preview allowed me to achieve academic success during my first semester."
Joshua V., New York Law School, Class of 2013
"Law Preview provided me with the proper guidance to navigate my first semester. I never fell behind in the readings, writing assignments, or outlining. The schedule that was provided ensured me built-in study time that had a great impact on my study habits and final exam studying."
Alejandra A., New England School of Law, Class of 2024
"I am a part-time student and ranked #5 of 96 students. The tools Law Preview provided me with did help get me off the ground running. As I stood on top of my outlines throughout the semester, other students were just beginning their outlines the week before midterms, and then did not touch them again until review week while I was taking past exams. The emails throughout the semester were also very helpful, they certainly kept me focused! So far, Law Preview has been worth the money spent. Thanks!"
Anonymous, Thomas Jefferson School of Law, Class of 2013
"The overview from Law Preview really helped me to get acquainted to law school quickly and start off strong. The sample schedule and pre-work gave me the confidence I needed. Because of my grades, I was able to land a summer associate position before school even started back up in the spring. I didn’t have to wait for the help of my school for a job and now I can relax going into the semester knowing I have a position secured."
Natalie W., Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law, Class of 2023
"It helped me learn how to approach and brief cases for their maximum educational value, while building confidence in my abilities to be a successful law student."
Erin F., Case Western Reserve University School of Law, Class of 2011
"As an older student, Law Preview provided a good overview of what to expect, both in terms of law and in terms of rejoining the academic environment. In fact, my preparation for law preview alone by briefing 40 cases over the summer allowed me to hit the ground running. The professors at law preview were so good, that even though I have enjoyed my professors during 1L, I remember them fondly and wish I could take their law classes. [Ranked top 10% after first semester]."
Anonymous, University of Baltimore School of Law, Class of 2012
"I signed up for Law Preview hoping it would arm me with the tools to be at or slightly above median at Duke. Instead, I finished the year with a 3.89 (#1 in my class) and landed EARLY interviews with EVERY top firm I was interested in. It was a great feeling to be recruited in May after 1L, and to have my pick of firms. Law Preview armed me with tools that put me at a huge advantage coming out of the gates. In particular, Law Preview taught me how to study efficiently — I had time for Netflix, friends, and daily workouts throughout the year because Law Preview taught me how to avoid wasting time. I performed better than people who were smarter and worked harder, and I stayed happy and fit throughout the year. I’m so grateful I signed up for the course, it was definitely a fantastic investment. Now that I am one year into practice at a top tier BigLaw firm, Don continues to be someone I can call on for advice and guidance. Thank you, thank you."
Tanya S. Duke University School of Law, Class of 2019
"I thank Law Preview for setting me up for success! It gave me the perfect preview for what my schedule would be, in terms of reading, briefing, etc. for the semester and prepared me to my best! I went in knowing how to brief which was my greatest asset! I ranked number 7 out of my class of 271 with a 3.93 GPA and made Dean’s List. None of that would have been possible without my week of Law Preview!"
Anonymous, UIC John Marshall Law School, Chicago, 2022
"Law Preview took away the learning curve of the first few weeks of law school. When other classmates were struggling to adjust to learning via cases and figuring out what details in a case were important to the class itself, I had already gained these skills through my week of Law Preview. Law school doesn’t teach you how to learn the material, but Law Preview did."
Lewis S., Drexel University School of Law, 2021
"They do not put out class rank for the first semester but I got two As and and A- in my substantive classes and a B+ in Legal Writing and Research. Going by last year’s numbers, my 3.9 GPA puts me in the top 15% or better. Law Preview gave me a method of preparing for class that allowed me to make the most of lectures from the start. The tips about making use of the table of contents and starting to outline early were the most useful in retrospect. During the final reading period, I was able to focus on old tests and adjusting my finished outline to be more useful in the test scenario. I’m incredibly happy with the results."
Anonymous, University of California, Hastings College of the Law, Class of 2012
"I felt more prepared than many of my fellow students in the importance of outlining, keeping up with classwork daily, and how to manage my time. I also felt as if the test-taking skills I learned through Law Preview made a substantial impact on my performance on law school tests. While nothing can fully prepare you for the academic rigor and of law school, Law Preview definitely assisted in making my first semester of law school more manageable, less stressful, and gave me the confidence I needed to face the competition amongst my peers and the challenges that law school brought."
Amy D., Liberty University School of Law, Class of 2012
"I felt I was definitely more prepared at the beginning of the semester when a lot of people wondered what a case brief was and what IRAC stood for whereas I could focus on the substantive courses because Law Preview taught me how to approach briefing and exam taking. The exam-taking strategies and advice from the professors were especially helpful. It’s like I knew what it took to get an ‘A. Thank you [ranked #15 out of 166 after first semester]."
Anonymous, Loyola University Chicago School of Law, Class of 2011
"My school does not rank students, so I don’t know my percentile. But I am very pleased with my grades–almost all As. I know that Law Preview was particularly helpful in getting me into the right mindset from the very beginning. I already had a framework for each course, and it made it easier for me to see the big picture from day 1. This is where I feel I excelled past my classmates–my ability to understand the material thematically. I did not spend my first weeks struggling over minute, unnecessary details, or teaching myself the components of a brief, as others did."
Anonymous, University of Pennsylvania Law School, Class of 2011
"Law Preview helped me create a plan to manage my time and stay on top of my work load. I especially thought that Law Preview’s recommendation of outlining each Sunday was particularly helpful and not something I would have thought of."
Anonymous, Rutgers University School of Law, Class of 2013
"Law Preview was critical in giving me the strategic advantages that allowed me to excel during the 1L year. Many of my colleagues did not realize the correct pacing and preparation schedule until it was far too late. I appreciated Don’s realistic and blunt advice about the difficulties you will face during the first year. Law school is about hard work and proper preparation, and Law Preview made this unambiguously clear through the Strategies for Academic Success sessions, as well as the experience of preparing for the mini-courses at Law Preview. . . . Last, and maybe most important, I left Law Preview excited to start school. When the year began I was able to step through the doors with the confidence of having an explicit and detailed plan about what was going to happen. Carrying through with the Law Preview schedule allowed me to go into exams confident, relatively stress-free, and somewhat rested. While this it was not a particularly fun experience to go through finals, I know that my experience was far better than most. [Ranked top 1% after first year]."
Anonymous, Indiana University School of Law, Bloomington, Class of 2011
"I am SO thankful I took Law Preview the summer before beginning law school. While I liked to think I had an idea of what to expect, the Law Preview courses prepared me to hit the ground running from day 1. The materials and professors were all top quality and with the help of the lectures and study suggestions I was able to earn three A+ my first semester and rank in the top 5% of my class."
Anonymous, South Texas College of Law Houston, Class of 2023
"Law Preview helped me stay focused and goal-oriented. It made me realize that I wasn’t wasting time studying and thoroughly learning each case as I briefed. Law Preview also gave me a better idea of what to expect from the workload, the other students, and from the professors. I didn’t feel lost at all when classes started."
Kendra K., University of Nevada Las Vegas William S. Boyd School of Law, Class of 2013
"Law Preview totally changed the trajectory of my 1L year. I felt as if I was light years ahead of my peers from Day 1 because I already knew the basics, and I had even already read, briefed, and discussed many of the cases covered in my classes. The time management, organization, and strategy tips were invaluable and I firmly believe that my first year of law school would have been ten times harder had I not had the privilege of attending a Law Preview course. In the end, I earned a very strong 1L GPA and a coveted journal spot."
Burgandi S., University of Virginia School of Law, Class of 2022
"Law Preview helped me stay focused on exams. It was definitely true that much of each class is spent talking about policy, theory, and cases, but when it comes right down to it all that matters for exams is the black letter law (and how to apply it). Thanks to Law Preview, I understood that and I don’t think a lot of my classmates did."
Joseph W., University of Toledo College of Law, Class of 2011
"Dear Don, I hope you are doing well. I wanted to thank you so much for all of your guidance and encouragement last semester. I am proud to report that I received 4 Hs and will be working as a 1L summer associate at [an AmLaw Top 5 firm] in New York this summer. I am so grateful to you and Barbri for helping me achieve these goals!"
Anonymous, Havard Law School, Class of 2024
"Great experience with Law Preview. Support material (online videos) after the course and continual study tips helped reinforce the material taught in the classroom. Highly recommend. Felt prepared for class discussions and received A-s in the two courses that were introduced in-depth at Law Preview."
Anonymous, University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law
"There’s nothing better than having a solid organizational structure in place so that you begin law school knowing what you will need to do to achieve your personal goals. That’s what Law Preview provided for me – allowing me to finish in the Top 15% of my class and earning me a spot on the Wisconsin Law Review."
Arie F., University of Wisconsin School of Law, Class of 2022
"I wanted to follow up with you about a phone conversation we had a few months ago about my transfer options from Michigan State Law. I’ve been accepted at Tulane and William and Mary, and waitlisted at Georgetown–my final GPA from 1L was 3.8. I’m leaning toward William and Mary, and I wanted to thank you for the invaluable advice and confidence you gave me. I hardly anticipated the personal attention I received, but I am very grateful for it! Please feel free to include this as a testimonial in any of your company’s promotional materials: Law Preview rocks!"
Anonymous, Michigan State University Detroit College of Law, Class of 2013 (transferred to William & Mary Law School)
"Law Preview certainly helped to prepare me for my 1L year not only by simulating the rigor of a law school classroom, but by providing tools and guidance throughout my first semester. With the support of LP, I was able to succeed in my first semester and receive a GPA of 3.78 which places me in the top 10% of my class! I am so grateful for this program and all the opportunities it has provided!"
Melissa F., Fordham University School of Law, Class of 2021
"Last summer I was fortunate to receive a Law Preview Scholarship. The experience was particularly useful to me as a first generation law student. The class introduced me not only to doctrinal material from the first-year curriculum but it also exposed me to the law school nuances no one had told me about, like the Socratic method, briefing cases, and accessing prior exams as study aids. The benefits of being a Law Preview alum are numerous. I am still in contact with some of the students I met during the class. I also have access to Barbri webinars, which provide information on useful skills for the first year of law school and beyond, and the Job Network, which grants access to many of the law firm partners BARBRI has."
Carla L., Harvard Law School, 2020