Law school scholarship tips from an actual application reader

Looking for law school scholarship tips that work? Law Preview gives you his best tips for scholarship applicants.

Now that the excitement of gaining admission to law school has passed and your seat deposit(s) have been submitted, reality begins to set in — you’re going to have to pony up some serious money for your law degree. estimates that even when applying for the median school-awarded scholarships and grants, the cost of financing a legal education can easily exceed $250,000; paying “sticker price” can tack on another $100k to that number. That’s just the cost of law school and doesn’t include any other debt a student may carry.

Let that sink in for a moment, and check out the tips below to help you optimize your scholarship applications.

Tip #1: respond to the prompt

If the scholarship sponsor presents you with a prompt, please answer it. Sure, you spent a ton of time perfecting your law school personal statement — but if it doesn’t respond to the prompt, don’t submit it.

Apart from looking lazy, the reader is judging the strength of your essay against other applicants who followed the directions and responded to the prompt.

Failure to answer it will quickly take you out of consideration.

Tip #2: proofread your entire submission

If you’re taking the time to draft an original response to the prompt, then proofreading to catch typos and grammatical errors is a must. Same with making sure you are addressing the correct scholarship sponsor in your response.

While those items are obvious, you may be shocked by many people submit Word Docs with “track changes” still on so the reader can see comments/changes from family and friends who reviewed their essay.

C’mon people!

Tip #3: have a hook, and set it in the first two sentences

As a general rule of thumb, for every scholarship essay you draft, ask yourself whether the amount of effort you expended was worth the dollar amount of the scholarship; essentially, “is this essay worth $X?”  If your answer is “no,” then keep plugging away.

As lame as this may sound, following these simple tips will quickly place you among the top 5% of all scholarship applicants.

Don’t risk losing your scholarship

You’ve done the research, applied for scholarships, and landed them. (Awesome!) Now what?

Don’t risk losing your scholarship due to poor 1L performance. Law school is unlike any other experience, and proper preparation can mean the difference between climbing to the top or flunking out.

It only takes around 30 hours total this summer to learn the ins and outs of law school with the nation’s #1 law school prep course, BARBRI Law Preview.

Here’s what our courses cover:

  • An overview of core 1L material (Property, Torts, Contracts, etc.)
  • Legal writing and research 101
  • Outlining and note-taking techniques
  • Proven exam-taking strategies
  • And more

Sign up for a Law Preview 1L Prep Course today.

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