Law school prep course built to get you to the top of the class

Learn how to conquer law school before day one with Law Preview law school prep course...

Your blueprint for 1L success

Law Preview gives you the tools you need to become a top law student. Learn core 1L material, exam-taking strategies, academic skills and more, all before your first day of law school.

Learn curriculum and skills from the nation's top law school professors

Create a 1L game plan that gets you ahead of the competition

Enter law school with skills and confidence, starting on day one

First-year grades matter most, we teach you how to get them

Ask any lawyer, judge, or professor and they'll tell you — first-year grades matter most. Students with top 1L grades earn academic honors and job opportunities that are foreclosed to the majority of their classmates.

How do you get to the top? By creating a gameplan the summer before law school, taught to you by some of the nation's best law professors.


Prepare for law school wherever you are

Whether you're a current undergraduate ready to become a full-time law student, or a working professional attending law school part-time to change the trajectory of your career, we make it easy to prepare for law school with our online, on-demand course.

Our students thrive

"I ended up doing very well during the 1L year and I was invited to join the Penn Law Review. I attribute much of my success to the Law Preview course I attended prior to starting law school. It equipped me with a great foundation and structure heading into my 1L year. Thanks for putting together a great program!"

Nicolas W.

University of Pennsylvania Law School

"I am happy to report that I just received my last grade and have an overall GPA of 4.15 at Albany Law! Better than I could have even dreamed of (and pretty good for having 2 small kids!). I just wanted to say ‘thank you’ — the information I received in Law Preview was a huge part of knowing how to study and how to get where I wanted to be."

Paige F.

Albany Law School

"My experience with Law Preview was instrumental in the achievements of my first semester. Without the study skills and insight it gave me I would not have received the only A+ in my Criminal Law class. I highly recommend taking this course it was very helpful in preparing me for law school."

Beth P.

William & Mary School of Law

"Law Preview really helped me to find grounding and my bearings before starting law school. My first semester was far more challenging than anything else I have ever done, so knowing what was coming helped me greatly, and having earned a 4.0 has already set up with great opportunities and a lot less stress! Thank you, Law Preview!"


Northwestern Univ. School of Law

"Being diligent about staying on track with Law Preview's schedule and knowing which days I could take off from studying helped me stay on track, be efficient and helped me achieve a 4.0 GPA my fall quarter which put me at around the top 1% of my class."

Stephanie S.

University of California - Hastings College of the Law

"Thanks to Law Preview, I started 1L year with an effective study schedule and knew how to prepare for class and final exams. In the end, it paid off and I finished in the top 5% of my class."

Megan S.

University of Missouri—Kansas City School of Law

"Since I am the first in my family to graduate from college, I did not know how to prepare for law school. BARBRI Law Preview provided me with the tools to not only survive my first semester, but also to excel. I followed their recommendations and specifically their recommended calendar for allocating my time, which is something that I struggle with. This program is 100% worth it and I highly recommend it."


Loyola University Chicago School of Law


Finished with a B+ or Higher GPA at the end of 1L


Were Offered a Summer Associate or Clerkship After 2L


Were Invited to Participate on a Law Review or Journal


Finished in the Top 10% of Their 1L Class

Take the first step toward the top of the class

Enroll in your law school prep course today